In the case of St Andrew’s Benn Church of England Voluntary Aided Primary School, the admission authority is the Governing Body.
Therefore, the Governing Body is responsible for setting and publishing the admission arrangements including the criteria for dealing with over subscription.
Our standard number for admissions in school is currently 45 per year group. Our admissions policy outlines procedures in the event of over subscription.
Nursery Admissions
Children are admitted the term after they turn 3, and attend for 3 hours either every morning (8.30am - 11.30am) or afternoon (12.30pm-3.30pm). We do home visits before children start so we can discuss your child and make the move to nursery as easy as possible for them. Application forms for Nursery are available from the school office or there is one published below.
If you would like to find out if you are eligible for 30 hours of free childcare, please follow this link
Reception Admissions
Children may start school at St Andrew's Benn C. of E. Primary School at the age of four, providing they will become five before the end of the school year ie 31st August.
Applications for Reception Year entry for the academic year starting on the 1 st September need to be formally registered with the Local Authority on the common application form by the dates set by the Local Authority, published on their website.
Applications from families moving into the area will be considered as having been received on time if they are submitted to the Local Authority and accompanied by proof of address by the dates set by the Local Authority.
Late applications, i.e. those received after the deadline for the normal admissions round will not be considered until after all of those which were received on time have been processed. Applications received after the offer date will be placed on the relevant reserve list and, where possible, places offered in criteria order.
A decision on the admission of new entrants will be made during the Spring term before the child’s admission, and the Local Authority will post written notification of the offer of a school place to parents by the dates set by the Local Authority.
Parents have to accept the place offered by the dates set by the Local Authority. Parents will be asked to reply to the Local Authority. If they do not respond by this date it will be assumed that the place offered has been declined.
Once an offer of a school place has been made, it may only be lawfully withdrawn in very limited circumstances, which include an offer of a place based upon a fraudulent or misleading application. Where an offer of place is withdrawn, an application may be made afresh, and a right of appeal taken up if an offer of place is refused.
In Year Applications
Parents should apply via Warwickshire Local Authority, which coordinates admissions through the course of the year. Application details will be forwarded to the governing body for consideration. If the number of children already admitted to the appropriate year group is lower than the published admission number, a place will be offered. If there are more applications than places available in the year group concerned, the governing body will apply the admission criteria to all the applications and offer up to the admission number in criteria order.
Prospective Parents / Familes
All prospective pupils are invited into school for an induction programme during the summer term. New prospective families are welcome to visit school by arrangement with the Headteacher.
For any parents wanting to apply for a school place, please follow this link:
VA Schools, Academies and Appeal Panellists
Please find below the timetable for next year’s admission appeals hearings.
Proposed In-Year Appeal Hearing Dates – 2025
Main Round Appeals – Primary
(National Offer Day – 16 April 2025)
Deadline for appeals to be lodged – 5pm on 2 June 2025.
Appeals to be heard week commencing 16 June 2025.
Late appeals will be heard within the statutory timescales published in the School Admission Appeals Code
Proposed In-Year Appeal Hearing Dates – 2025
Tuesday 14 January
Tuesday 11 February
Tuesday 18 March
Tuesday 8 April
Thursday 22 May
Wednesday 18 June
Tuesday 8 July
Wednesday 24 September
Tuesday 14 October
Wednesday 12 November
Tuesday 9 December
Where possible all Appeals received by 20 June 2025 will be heard before the start of the new term in September 2025. It may not be possible to hear appeals received after this date prior the start of the new term in September 2025.
Please note no appeals will be heard between 8 July 2025 and 24 September 2025.
Instructions to appellants:
Complete the Appeal Form below stating the grounds for your appeal – please continue on separate sheets if necessary.
Please sign and date the bottom of each sheet
Return the form with any supporting documentation to:
Clerk to the Independent Appeals Panel
Benn Education Centre, Craven Road
CV21 3JZ
Email: Tel: 01788 422800
Dates for 2025-2026 Academic Year
With effect from 1 August 2025 appeals will be administered by Warwickshire County Council. Please follow this link for more information:
Appeals for Reception (and Year 3 entry if transferring to a junior school) from September 2024
Primary Offer Day – Wednesday 16 April 2025
Deadline for lodging appeals – Monday 2 June 2025
Appeals received by Monday 2 June 2025 will be heard by Friday 5 September 2025
Appeals received after Monday 2 June 2025 will be heard within 40 school days of the deadline date or within 30 school days of the appeal being lodged (whichever is later)
Primary School on-time applicants: hearings will commence on Wednesday 18 June 2025 and finish on Friday 5 September 2025.
In-year admissions (outside of the normal round of entry)
In year (or casual) admission appeals will be heard within 30 school days of the appeal being lodged.
Where possible All Appeals received by Thursday 26 June 2025 will be heard before the start of the new term in September 2025. It may not be possible to hear appeals received after this date prior the start of the new term in September 2025.
Please note no appeals will be heard between Tuesday 22 July 2025 and Thursday 18 September 2025.