Jargon Buster / Acroynms
What does everything mean?
Some of the information we send out to parents often includes 3 letter acronyms and school jargon. We thought this might help you to understand some of things you may hear or read in school.
SAB - St Andrew's Benn
LA - Local Authority
WCC - Warwickshire County Council
PSHE - Personal, Social, Health & Economic Education
PTA - Parent Teacher Association
SENDCO - Special Educational Needs Co-ordinator
TA - Teaching Assistant
VA - Voluntary Aided
C of E - Church of England
SEN - Special Educational Needs
FSM - Free School Meals
UIFSM - Universal Infant Free School Meals
EYFS - Early Years (Reception and Nursery)
KS1 - Key Stage 1 (Years 1 and 2)
KS2 - Key Stage 2 (Years 3, 4, 5 and 6)
INSET - In Service Educational Training Day / Teacher Training
DBS - Disclosure & Barring Service
EAL - English as an Additional Language
EY - Early Years (Nursery and Reception)
ICT - Information and Communication Technologies
TTRS - Times Tables Rockstars
PE - Physical Education
PP - Pupil Premium
CPOMS - Child Protection Online Management System
Waffle - the 9 dots on Google pages
RSE - Relationship and Sex Education
RE - Religious Education
Teachers2Parents - the system we use to send emails and texts to parents
DSL - Designated Safeguarding Lead
Parentpay - this is what is used for booking school meals, paying for trips, giving consent etc