All schools have governors who make up the Governing Body; the Headteacher is also a governor. The governors work with the Headteacher and staff to create a happy and successful school, so that all the pupils get the best education possible.
Governors are all volunteers – one of the largest volunteer forces in the country! A good Governing Body is absolutely key to the effectiveness of a school. Time and time again Ofsted (the national inspection body for schools) has noted that the most effective schools demonstrate effective leadership and management - including by the Governing Body.
What do governors do?
The governors' role is not about fundraising, neither is it about cheerleading for the school - though governors might do both those things. School governors are required to provide strategic leadership and accountability in schools. Governors appoint the Headteacher and are sometimes involved in the appointment of other staff.
The Governing Body has a vital part to play in raising standards in school and making sure that all pupils make good progress in their education and do as well as they possibly can whilst in the school.The governors also hold the main responsibility for the school’s finance, and it is governors who work with the Headteacher and school Business Manager to make the tough decisions about balancing resources.
The Governing Body is a legally constituted, corporate body. All decisions are the joint responsibility of the whole Governing Body. Individual governors may not act independently of the rest of the Governing Body.
The Governing Body’s key functions are to:
set the aims and objectives for the school
set the policies for achieving those aims and objectives
set the targets for achieving those aims and objectives
monitor and evaluate the progress the school is making towards achievement of its aims and objectives
be a source of challenge and support to the headteacher (a critical friend).
The Headteacher, who is a member of the Governing Body, is responsible for the running of the school, for the internal organisation, management and control, and the implementation of the strategic framework established by the Governing Body.
St Andrew’s Benn - A Church of England School
St Andrew's Benn is a Church of England school, which means that as well as being part of Warwickshire Local Authority, it is also part of the family of 75 schools within Coventry Church of England Diocese. As a Church of England school, the Christian faith and values are foundational to the school, and pupils are educated within a Christian framework. The whole Governing Body has responsibility to ensure this happens. In practice, in St Andrew’s Benn Church of England school, which serves a very diverse and multi-faith community, this means that children from Christian families are nurtured in their faith, children from faiths other than Christianity are encouraged in their faith, and those who profess no faith will encounter faith and be challenged to consider its importance.
This is a Voluntary Aided Church of England school, which means that the Diocese owns the school site; the governors employ the school staff, and are responsible for the buildings. A significant part of the finance to improve the school buildings is found by the Diocese of Coventry; the remainder is approved by the governors, from the school budget.
St Andrew's Benn Church of England school has chosen 12 values which are essential to the way our school runs. They are: sharing, honesty, kindness, trust, love, respect, friendship, forgiveness, compassion, tolerance, loyalty and thoughtfulness. These values are ones which are shared by people of many faiths, and of no faith, so every person in our school community can sign up to them. They are also Christian values, so in St Andrew’s Benn Church of England school, their meaning is taken from the teaching of Jesus and the Bible. Each value in turn is the focus for teaching in school for one month of every year.
What does Ofsted say about us?
Ofsted, the school inspection body recognises the impact that a strong Governing Body can have on young people's education, and how governors use skills from other areas of their life to help their school.
When St Andrew's Benn was last inspected by Ofsted in December 2016, the inspectors were very positive about the Governing Body, saying:
Governors know the strengths and areas to further develop within the school. They provide a good level of support and challenge.
Who are our governors?
Each governor brings different skills and expertise to contribute to governing the school. There are different types of governor. Because we are a Church of England school, the Church of England parish of St Andrew's appoints 7 governors, known as Foundation Governors, which includes several parents. In addition, there is 1 staff governors, 2 elected parent governors and 1 Local Authority governor. The Headteacher is also a governor.
Name Of Governor & Role | Term Starts | Term Ends |
Abi Huggins - Headteacher | ||
Isabelle McKenzie - Chair, Finance & Health | 13/04/2024 | 12/04/2028 |
Edmund Newey - Vice Chair, Community and Staff Wellbeing | 22/09/2020 | |
Sharon Mortimer - Clerk | ||
Corinna Robson - Safeguarding & English | 29/11/2022 | 28/11/2025 |
Tracey Burvill - SEND | 29/03/2023 | 28/03/2027 |
Joanne Copeland - TBC | 17/09/2024 | 16/09/2028 |
Carys Pape - Pupil Voice and Wellbeing | 27/09/2022 | 26/09/2026 |
Rachael Tuckley - Co-Chair, Maths | 14/03/2023 | 13/03/2027 |
Helen Bryant - TBC | 15/11/2024 | 14/11/2028 |
Getting involved and supporting the St Andrew’s Benn Governing Body
The Governing Body welcomes comments and suggestions from anyone in the school community and we welcome involvement of new people who want to get more involved in the life of our school through supporting the governors in some way.
Questions and comments can always be addressed to the Chair of Governors, Mrs Corinna Robson through the Clerk to the Governing Body, Sharon Mortimer, via the school office or by email to
Otherwise, do talk to any of the parents who are governors that you may meet at school: Mrs Tracy Burvill and Mrs Corinna Robson. The photos of the Governing Body members are on the notice board in the school entrance.
Please find below the timetable for next year’s admission appeals hearings.
Main Round Appeals – Primary
(National Offer Day – 16 April 2025)
Deadline for appeals to be lodged – 5pm on 2 June 2025.
Appeals to be heard week commencing 16 June 2025.
Late appeals will be heard within the statutory timescales published in the School Admission Appeals Code
Proposed In-Year Appeal Hearing Dates – 2025
Tuesday 14 January
Tuesday 11 February
Tuesday 18 March
Tuesday 8 April
Thursday 22 May
Wednesday 18 June
Tuesday 8 July
Wednesday 24 September
Tuesday 14 October
Wednesday 12 November
Tuesday 9 December
Where possible all Appeals received by 20 June 2025 will be heard before the start of the new term in September 2025. It may not be possible to hear appeals received after this date prior the start of the new term in September 2025.
Please note no appeals will be heard between 8 July 2025 and 24 September 2025.