Family Support
Introducing our Pastoral Team:
At St. Andrew’s Benn we are proud that we see the importance of our mental health and how talking can be a game changer to how we feel. This is why we have three non-teaching Pastoral Staff in school. We all cover slightly different areas that we focus on so here is a little bit more information about each of us so you know who to go to, though we will always all help in whatever way we can

Hello, my name is Mrs N Marson and I am
the Pastoral Lead here at St. Andrew’s Benn. I appreciate how difficult things can be at times, especially now.
Life has a great way of sneaking up on us when we least expect it! I am here to support you at these times.
We have a coffee morning every Monday morning from 9.00am – 10.00am for our parents
Hi, I’m Mrs R Balogun, also known as Mrs B. For those of you who do not already know me I am the Attendance Officer alongside being a D.S.L. (Designated Safeguarding Lead.) I am also a member of the school’s Pastoral Team. I am always willing to listen and my previous life experiences enable me to be very understanding and offer support. I am happy to help in any way I can.
I have two grown up children and two beautiful grandchildren that I love spending time with when the present situation allows. I have an allotment which I love spending time at – working hard. I also enjoy crafting.
My name is Mr S Vassell, Learning Mentor,
Football Coach & DSL (Designated Safeguarding Lead) at St Andrew’s Benn Primary School, I started working here in January 2010.
I love working with young people, listening, encouraging and supporting them to be the best they can be in life, and letting them know, whatever they want in life, they'll have to work hard for it.
I have been married for 28 years. I have 2 grown up daughters.
Away from school, I like listening to all kinds of music, going to the gym & spending time with family & friends.
Family Information Service
The Family Information Service is a fantastic service that can help families with pretty much anything! From bed wetting to money problems to children's behaviour - you name it, they can help.
You can visit their website at:
or telephone them on: 01926 742274
Family Information Service Newsletter!
Please follow this link and it will take you to all of the newsletters: FIS Newsletters
An introduction to mental health for children
Miss Huggins introduced children to mental health during assembly on 10 October 2022 for World Mental Health Day. We have attached the slides that were used for this:
Early Help
Early Help is the support we offer to potentially vulnerable children, young people and their families.
The purpose of Early Help is to put in the right support at the right time so that problems are less likely to escalate to a point where the child becomes vulnerable or in need. Early Help is sustainable so that problems are less likely to re-occur.
Early Help does not always mean early years. While research does show that most impact can be made in those crucial first few years of a child’s life, Early Help can be needed and put in place at any time and at any age.
All children, young people and families in Warwickshire are entitled to receive Early Help. This means offering information, advice, guidance, and support to families as soon as a concern emerges, or seems likely to emerge.
Money, Benefits and Housing
For help with any issues relating to money, housing and benefits please see below some links and information that you might find helpful.
Check what benefits you are entitled to:
Benefits and disability:
Family Intervention Service:
Warwickshire Young Carers:
Coventry and Warwickshire Mind (CW Mind):
Warwickshire Parenting Course:
Family Support Helpline - 01926 412412 (open from 9.00am - 4.00pm Monday - Friday)
Rugby Food Bank: (school has the facility to issue food bank vouchers, please contact the school office)
Housing Problems/Council Housing: Telephone: 01788 533833 or go to Rugby Town Hall between 9.00am-5.00pm
Debt Advice
Citizens Advice Bureau -
1st Floor Chestnut House
32 North Street
CV21 2AG
Telephone Number: 0844 8552322
They offer advice in other languages.
Office opening hours:
Monday 10.00-2.00pm
Tuesday 10.00-2.00pm
Wednesday 10.00-2.00pm
Thursday Appointments Only
Friday 10.00-2.00pm
Credit Union
They are based at 12 Albert St, Rugby CV21 2RS
Telephone: 01788 577900