
Subject Leader - Mr J Rodd


In ensuring high standards of teaching and learning in science, we implement a curriculum that is progressive throughout the whole school. Science is an integral part of the curriculum map from EYFS to KS2. Where possible, Science is linked to year group topics and other areas of the curriculum but to ensure coverage, some topics are taught as discrete units. At St Andrew’s Benn, units are taught in blocks. Due to the nature of our intake, Science units are taught on a two-year rolling programme. This ensures progression between year groups and guarantees topics are covered.

Planning for science is a process in which all teachers are involved to ensure that the school gives full coverage of, ‘The National Curriculum programmes of study for Science 2014’ and, ‘Understanding of the World’ in the Early Years Foundation Stage. At the beginning of a unit, each class has an assessment quiz (pre-learning task) to identify what the children already know and also highlight any errors or misconceptions. Work is planned by each key stage, to address misconceptions, gaps in learning, SEN, EAL and less able children, to ensure that the curriculum effectively meets the needs of all pupils. Each science lesson begins with an opening question or activity. These act as a hook for the children and engage them immediately in their learning. Where appropriate, trips or visitors are booked to enrich and enhance the children’s learning. In our school we encourage all pupils to use specific topic related vocabulary and children are provided with opportunities to develop strategies for questioning and thinking. Teachers use assessment for learning to tailor lessons around our children and help plan for next steps. When appropriate, now comments are given to extend children’s learning.

At the end of a unit of work, opportunities for assessments are taken through a final quiz (post learning task) in order to show clear progression and the children’s new-found knowledge and understanding. Children progress through this ongoing assessment and through three key assessment points during the year. This is recorded on individual science assessment sheets and the school’s tracking system.


Engaged, motivated children who are enthusiastic about science in our school.

Feedback from teachers has impact on our children, with next step questions to extend learning further.

Standards in science at the end of the key stages are good and any issues arising are addressed effectively in school.

Governors are kept up to date with developments in the way science is run in our school with an action plan and annual report.